Album : Trainspotting Soundtrack
The first of two Trainspotting discs is a prime example of the contemporary rock soundtrack, functioning as a useful keepsake of the 1996 British film smash and as a cohesive, eclectic listen in its own right. Iggy Pop's booming, Bowie-produced 1977 anthem "Lust for Life" sets the boisterously ambivalent mood for a transatlantic, trans-generational cross-section of alt-rock. New Order's seminal 1982 dance hit "Temptation" and Lou Reed's hauntingly bittersweet 1972 tune "Perfect Day" shares space with tracks by such esteemed mid-1990s Brit-popsters as Blur (whose frontman Damon Albarn also contributes a solo number), Pulp, Elastica, and Sleeper. Elsewhere, the album dips into dance rhythms (Underworld, Bedrock featuring KYO) and ambient grooves (Brian Eno Leftfield, and Primal Scream's ten-and-a-half-minute title song) without breaking the spell.
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- Lust For Life - Iggy Pop
- Deep Blue Day - Brian Eno
- Trainspotting - Primal Scream
- Atomic - Sleeper
- Temptation - New Order
- Night Clubbing - Iggy Pop
- Sing - Blur
- Perfect Day - Lou Reed
- Mile End - Pulp
- For What You Dream Of - Bedrock
- 2:1 - Elastica
- A Final Hit - Leftfield
- Born Slippy - Underworld
- Closet Romantic - Damon Albarn